Tyler Patnaude Foundation

"The purpose in life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make a difference that you lived, and lived well." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Tyler Patnaude Foundation is a 501c3, non-profit, which exists to live out Tyler's legacy of friendship and giving to others.

Fathom Leadership Institute

From the first days of this foundation, I knew we wanted to start a program to inspire young sailors to be leaders on and off the water.  Tyler attended many camps and clinics in junior high and high school.  Some were to inspire and equip him as a student leader; some were to develop his performance sailing skills, but none did both.

One summer, it pained him to take time out of a busy regatta schedule for a week long leadership program in Washington, DC.  But he returned home dreaming of how to combine his passion for sailing with what he had just experienced.  He said, "Wouldn't it be awesome, Dad"?

His dream has never left me.  Today I believe we have a perfect partner in Coach Maxwell Plarr and Christopher Newport University to help us live out Tyler's legacy. Dr. Elizabeth Gagnon of CNU's leadership department has built a world-class curriculum perfectly designed to complement the lessons on the water.  There is nothing like this program in the world of sailing.

If you are the parent of a junior sailor, please check out the FATHOM website.  Sailing has so much potential to develop and inspire our next generation. Please consider supporting this program through TPF or by sending a sailor to participate. 


Peter Patnaude

For the latest information or to register for FATHOM go to: http://cnu.edu/fathom/

If you would like more information on how to support the FATHOM Leadership Institute, please contact me at:
mailto: peter@tylerpatnaude.com